I frequently taught my children: “It's never right to do the wrong thing.” Solomon teaches us that God created us to be good, but we've found all kinds of ways to be evil (Ecclesiastes 7:29). People are NOT evil. What they do may be evil. What they say may be evil.
Something else to consider… Wickedness is not inherited. It is a learned behavior. Don't become wicked but adapting your lifestyle to fight like the devil. That's how he wins. Don't repay evil for evil. Stay spiritual. Stay focused.
You may get tired of the fight. You may get frustrated with unanswered prayers. You may want to give up, give in, throw in the towel or run in the opposite direction. You may feel completely alone. You might find yourself betrayed, backstabbed, and broken. Depression surfaces. Anxiety rules the day.
Don’t panic. Just breathe. And remember that you can turn this over to God. Don’t try to handle this by yourself. He’s got this. And, no matter what, don’t try to “help” Him do that job. Be kind. Learn to love.
It can get better. Think about what you know.. You know God is with you (Isaiah 41:10). You know He can work together things for good (Romans 8:28). You know His promise never to forsake you (Hebrews 3:5). Just trust Him.
Choose love. Chose to hope against all odds. Make the world stand in awe that you chose the way of righteousness. Your enemies will hate it. The devil will retreat. You will get stronger in your time of weakness. Your Heavenly Father will honor your faithfulness.
Do the right thing... always.
You are loved.
Dr. Ray Reynolds
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Dr. Ray Reynolds is the pulpit minister of the Summerdale Church of Christ in Summerdale, AL and director of TITUS Camp in Florence, AL. He and his wife Misty (Till) have five sons, one grandson, and one Golden Doodle.