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Godly Leaders: The Lawgiver

Writer's picture: Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.

Moses is one of the great leaders of the Bible. There is no question that His leadership was respected for many generations. His position in history is one of extreme significance. But what made him a great leader?

(1) Moses Prayed For The People - There are three prayers of intercession by Moses in the book of Exodus (Exodus 32:11-14, 32:30-35, 33:12-17). In each of these occasions God gave Moses what he requested. Moses knew that if revival was to come he would have to ask for it. He knew that God is always waiting to give revival to His people. Someone has got to lead the church in revival, and someone has to be praying for revival.

(2) Moses Taught The People - Moses knew the basic principles of revival and he taught them to the people. He knew that prayer has a profound effect on the heart of God (Proverbs 15:29). Think about Hezekiah’s prayer, Jesus’ prayer for Peter, & Ninevites. We often forget about the power of prayer. Moses also knew that revival starts with an intercessor. Someone has to pray and interceded for the people of God (Isaiah 59:16).

(3) Moses Was An Example The People - No person is greater than his prayer life. Moses was a man of prayer. James 4:2 says, “you do not have because you do not ask.” Moses believed that if he prayed God would hear him and answer. This is why he is seen praying with such boldness. We would do well to emulate that in our prayer life (Hebrews 4:15). How often do you pray? How often does God answer your prayers? Maybe the reason why God isn’t answer your prayers is because you are not close enough to Him for Him to hear you. Maybe you are praying while doubting the power of God.

(4) Moses Wept For The People - Good leaders are compassionate. Good fathers cry over their families. Revival delays when the people of God do not mourn. God can and does leave His people (Revelation 2:4-5). It has been said that God could take His spirit from some congregations and they would not even know He is gone. Would we notice? Would we mourn? Moses did. And the people finally did. We need to weep when we have done wrong. Then we should repent and change our ways. Good leaders know when its time to turn things around.

(5) Moses Spoke For The People - In his three intercessory prayers, Moses spoke for the people (Exodus 32:11-14, 32:30-35, 33:12-17). Good leaders are not afraid to stand up and speak on behalf of their family, church, or community. We have too many weak kneed leaders in the world as it is and we don’t need any more in the church today. Its time for men to stand up and do what God has commanded, regardless of the circumstances. Will you be criticized? Yes. Will you offend people? Yes. But will you be doing the right thing? Yes. Remember what Joshua said in Joshua 24:15. How many are willing to make that statement today?

You are loved.

Dr. Ray Reynolds

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Ray Reynolds is the pulpit minister of the Summerdale Church of Christ in Summerdale, AL and director of TITUS Camp in Florence, AL. He and his wife Misty (Till) have five sons, one grandson, and one Golden Doodle. They work with the Summerdale church family and connect with people around the world through and He holds a BA and MM from Heritage Christian University and earned a Ph.D. in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary, but has continued his studies through Cambridge, Groningen University, and Harvard Divinity School. He loves coffee, blueberry cake donuts, carpentry, podcasting, blogging, creating online social media content, and marketing for non-profit ministries in the churches of Christ.

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