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The Unfailing Qualities of Godly Romance & Biblical Love

Writer's picture: Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.

For whatever reason, we tend to live in what is often regarded as an enlightened culture. Our generation claims to be enlightened on every single subject. You name it. Education. Politics. Economy. Diplomacy. Racial divisions. Drugs. Alcohol. Crime. Marriage. The family. In fact, we are so “enlightened” that we allow teenagers to direct the narrative and talking points on major issues.

Has much changed in the culture on respecting authority over the last 50-60 years? Imagine a 15 year old organizing a school strike for the entire country. She’s not protesting what’s taught in the classroom or poor treatment. Instead she hails signs that say “School Strike for Climate Change" to pressure the government to meet carbon emissions targets. Not only was she heard, she was given an audience with the UN and made the cover of multiple magazines.

Has much changed in our communities over the last 50-60 years? Small towns were buzzing with local restaurants, churches and kids playing in the yard. Now those same establishments are burned in riots and looted. Our kids are locked inside and limited with personal contact. This in turn causes them to meet people on social media, which has greater dangers. We buy more guns to protect our property from criminals. Businesses spent 10-15% of their budget on security. Families spend 15-20% of their yearly income.

Has much changed in the moral culture over the last 50-60 years? This is probably the greatest change. The rise of immorality, fornication, adultery, drug use, crime, and much more have been lost to the vacuum. When the disrespect of authority and loss of the sense of community pushed out the family something else filled the void. It was more than just an attack on the home. It was an attack against Judeo Christian values.

We are in a culture war! In my opinion, one of the greatest tragedies of our generation is the elevation of deviant sexual behavior. Society has redefined the terms. They classify sodomy, incest, pornography, homosexuality, child abuse, transgender, bigamy, polygamy, rape, and prostitution as “expressions of love.” The rainbow sent to provide hope to Noah, and all his descendants, is now paraded in public as a symbol of deviant sexual behavior than violates the very nature of man.

One of the ways we can change the future is to teach the biblical principles of love. We need to understand the qualities of godly romantic love and biblical marriage. Tomorrow, Sunday – February 13, we’re going to be studying Song of Solomon. We are going to consider what the Bible says about this important topic. The goal will be not only to educate ourselves, but also challenge the culture we live in today.

We need to grasp a better understanding of real, genuine love. This is the crux of our study. If you want to get a jumpstart… Read Song of Solomon 8:6–7 and I Corinthians 13.

You are loved!

Dr. Ray Reynolds

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