David is one of the great leaders of the Bible. There is no question that His leadership was respected for many generations. His position in history is one of extreme significance. But what made him a great leader?
(1) David Knew The Need For Revival - I hope you remember the story in II Samuel 12. It is one of the saddest occasions in David’s life and in the history of God’s people. David was the king of Israel and had just succeeded king Saul, a vicious and unruly man. It took him years to get the throne that was rightfully his, and that God had given him. One spring night he decided to go up to the roof top to watch the neighbor lady take a bath (I Samuel 11). He began to lust for her so he called her into his palace, committed adultery with her, and she conceived a child. He tried to cover it up by calling her husband, Uriah, home to stay with his wife. He would not go home. He even got him drunk but he still refused. So David eventually had him killed in battle. After Uriah died, David moved his wife, Bathsheba into his palace and she had a son. When Nathan came and confronted him he repented (Psalm 51). Good leaders need to know when they have made a mistake.
(2) David Knew How To Respond When God Sends Revival - In the event that led to David’s repentance we can see: a commission (II Samuel 12:1) when the Lord called Nathan to go David, a confrontation (II Samuel 12:1-9) when Nathan is sent to confront David, a command (II Samuel 12:9) when God has commanded us to be obedient to Him, the consequences (II Samuel 12:10-14), the confession (II Samuel 12:13), the conversion (II Samuel 12:15-23), and finally the consecration (II Samuel 12:22-23). David was renewed after this event because he wept, fasted, and prayed. Good leaders need to admit when they have done wrong and change before its too late.
(3) David Knew How To Continue A Revival - After his heartfelt confession and repentance David changed. David, in illustrating the heinousness of his sin (Psalm 51), employs the three most important words to describe sin: (1) transgression (2) iniquity, and (3) sin. David had also previously given, in Psalm 32, a threefold description of forgiveness: (1) blot out, (2) wash, and (3) cleanse. You see David was not a stranger to sin. He had sinned before. However, in his own words he seems to illustrate that this was the worst thing he had ever done. Good leaders know that in order to strive for restoration and pursue revival they must rid themselves of sin.
(4) David Knew How To Be An Example - David was a good leader because he was not afraid to admit his fault. He did what God expected. Despite his mistakes, his sins, and his imperfections, he still had a heart like God’s. He was compassionate. And he loved God more than he did sin. He knew God had to be first in his life. Good leaders know that being an example means living, doing, and teaching what is right.
You are loved.
Dr. Ray Reynolds
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Ray Reynolds is the pulpit minister of the Summerdale Church of Christ in Summerdale, AL and director of TITUS Camp in Florence, AL. He and his wife Misty (Till) have five sons, one grandson, and one Golden Doodle. They work with the Summerdale church family and connect with people around the world through www.rayreynoldsrap.com and www.reclaiminghopeministry.com. He holds a BA and MM from Heritage Christian University and earned a Ph.D. in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary, but has continued his studies through Cambridge, Groningen University, and Harvard Divinity School. He loves coffee, blueberry cake donuts, carpentry, podcasting, blogging, creating online social media content, and marketing for non-profit ministries in the churches of Christ.