Psalm 51:10-12 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”
I love reading the book of Psalms. And I pray daily that I can become a man after God’s own heart like King David. He made a lot of mistakes, but he had a personal connection to God and His Holy Spirit. I often wonder what the church would be like if we all had a spiritual passion that was comparable to that of David. I want this passion. I want to be spiritually focused. I want the church to share this great spiritual passion. I have a prayer that I want to share with you. Will you pray it with me?
“God, Please Renew Our Spiritual Passion For Faith” - It is my prayer that we will believe you can do all that you promised. Help us Lord not to focus on our own weaknesses and know that You can make us strong. Remind us that You are close to us when we doubt You.
“God, Please Renew Our Spiritual Passion For Worship” - I wish we could stay focused on You in worship. I know its easy to get distracted, but help us to know its all about You! Forgive us for what we often make it and bring us back to the heart of worship.
“God, Please Renew Our Spiritual Passion For The Church” - There are so many times that we forget that You are the Head of the church. Give us wisdom Lord and help us to put You and Your kingdom first. Help us to know that our youth must be edified and our elderly must not be forgotten.
“God, Please Renew Our Spiritual Passion For Sacrifice” - We have no idea what it was like for You to watch Your only Son die on the cross for us. We are unworthy of Your love. We are just sinners and undeserving of Your grace and mercy. Help us Lord to give back to You, honor You, and glorify You in all that we do. Thank You for Your indescribable gift!
"God, Please Renew Our Spiritual Passion For Unity” - We have read Jesus’ prayer in John 17. We are trying to know Your heart and Your will. Help us to be conformed into Your image. Help us to see that You desire unity and love. Help us to resolve our conflicts, forgive our neighbors, and love one another. We desperately need to follow Your Son’s great example.
Are you ready to be passionate for God? Will you join me in renewing our spiritual passion? This is my simple prayer. Have a great week!!!
You are loved!
Dr. Ray Reynolds