For many Christians reading the Bible is as common place as drinking a cup of coffee or brushing your teeth. It is a lifeline of hope to hurting, a reminder of salvation to the sinner and a source of joy to the faithful disciple. Do you know how many people read and study their Bible? You might be surprised. Below I will post a few statistics compiled by Barna Research Group, Christianity Today, Lifeway Research, and the Pew Research Center.
There are now 75 million unchurched Americans.
More than half of these unchurched people consider themselves Christian.
26 million Americans, who identify as Christian, stopped reading the Bible during COVID.
88% of Americans, who identify as Christian, believe in Heaven.
78% of Americans, who identify as Christian, believe in Hell.
65% of Americans, who identify as Christian, have never read the entire New Testament.
54% of Protestant adults read the Bible each week.
47% of Americans, who identify as Christian, cited “lack of time” as the main reason they don’t read the Bible.
42% of Americans, who identify as Christian, believe that the Bible is the literal inherent Word of God.
40% of Americans, who identify as Christian, know that Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount.
39% of Americans, who identify as Christian, use the Bible three or more times a year.
34% of Americans, who identify as Christian, read the Bible at least once a week.
31% of Americans, who identify as Christian, have read the Bible regularly to their children.
20% of Americans have read the Bible cover to cover.
11% of Americans read the Bible daily (20% of those are under 40).
Fewer than half can name all four Gospels, three of the apostles, or four of the Ten Commandments
Nearly 40% of regular Bible readers are under the poverty line ($30K a year).
Nearly 45% of regular Bible readers have a high school education or less.
Statistics of Bible readers is the lowest in recorded history.
This gets my attention. How about you? If you go to our YouTube page you will find daily readings (www.summerdalechurch.org). There are many different reading lists to plan your year. With current technology and many ways to get a copy of God’s Word there are no excuses. Let’s get back to the Bible! Have a great week.
You are loved.
Ray Reynolds, PhD
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